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Deployment With Kafka Console Script

Kafka connector jars can be run using Kafka console scripts.

Follow the steps to run the connector using console scripts.

Downloading console scripts

Download the binary files from Apache Kafka downloads. For this doc we will be downloading kafka_2.12-3.2.1.tgz

Unzip it.

For the following steps we will be using $KAFKA to indicate path to the kafka_2.12-3.2.1 directory.

Start Zookeeper

To start the zookeeper run following command:

$KAFKA/bin/ $KAFKA/config/

This starts zookeeper.

Start Kafka broker

To start the kafka broker run following command:

$KAFKA/bin/ $KAFKA/config/

This starts kafka broker. Default port is 9092.

Update Kafka connect configuration

  • Open the file $KAFKA/config/

  • Update the bootstrap.servers to localhost:9092 (default Kafka broker address).

  • Add the path of your project target folder in the plugin.path configuration.

Make other configuration changes as per your requirements.

Building connector jar

To build the connector jar run following command from the project root directory:

./mvnw clean install -Pstandalone

This creates a uber jar which contains all the dependency jars.

Starting Kafka Connect

To start Kafka connect run following command:

$KAFKA/bin/ $KAFKA/config/